It's game 7 of the NBA finals and a man makes his way to his seat at center court. He sits down and notices that the seat next to him is empty. He leans over and asks his neighbor if someone is sitting there. He responds, "No, the seat's empty." "The first man exclaims, "What?!? Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the NBA finals and not use it?" The neighbor responds, "Well the seat is mine, but my wife passed away and this is the first NBA finals we haven't been together." The first man responds," I'm sorry to hear that. Wasn't there anyone else, a friend or relative, that could've taken that seat?" The neighbor responds, "No, they're all at the funeral."
Golfer: "I'd move heaven & earth to break 100 on this course." Caddy: "Try heaven; you've already moved most of the earth."
A Giants fan, a Padre fan, and a Dodger fan are climbing a mountain and arguing about who loves his team more. The Padre fan insists he's the most loyal. "This is for San Diego!" he yells and jumps off the side of the mountain. Not to be outdone, the Giants fan is next to profess his love for his team. He yells, "This is for San Francisco!" and pushes the Dodger fan off the mountain.
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you!
How many snowboarders does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 50: 3 to die trying, 1 to actually pull it off, and 46 other to say, "man, I could do that!"
Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Officer asks a young engineer fresh out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "And what starting salary are you looking for?" The engineer replies, "In the region of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package." The interviewer inquires, "Well, what would you say to a package of five weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every two years, say, a red Corvette?" The engineer sits up straight and says, "Wow! Are you kidding?" The interviewer replies, "Yeah, but you started it."
I named my hard drive "dat ass," so once a month my computer asks if I want to "back dat ass up."
A man hasn't been feeling well, so he goes to his doctor for a complete checkup. Afterward, the doctor comes out with the results. "I'm afraid I have some very bad news," the doctor says. "You're dying, and you don't have much time left." "Oh, that's terrible!" says the man. "How long have I got?" "Ten," the doctor says sadly. "Ten?" the man asks. "Ten what? Months? Weeks? What?!" "Nine..."
A child asked his father, "How were people born?" So his father said, "Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on." The child then went to his mother, asked her the same question and she told him, "We were monkeys then we evolved to become like we are now." The child ran back to his father and said, "You lied to me!" His father replied, "No, your mom was talking about her side of the family."
A Spanish captain was walking on his ship when a soldier rushes to him and exclaims, "An enemy ship is approaching us!" The captain replies calmly, "Go get my red shirt." The soldier gets the shirt for the captain. The enemy ship comes in and heavy rounds of fire are exchanged. Finally, the Spaniards win. The soldier asks, "Congrats sir, but why the red shirt?" The captain replies, "If I got injured, my blood shouldn't be seen, as I didn't want my men to lose hope." Just then, another soldier runs up and says, "Sir, we just spotted another twenty enemy ships!" The captain calmly replies, "Go bring my yellow pants."
Q: How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb? A: Two: one to change it and another one to change it back again.
China, Russia, and Poland venture to space. China says they'll go to Pluto because it's the farthest. Russia says they'll go to Jupiter because it's the biggest. Poland says they'll go to the Sun. Russia and China warn that they'll melt. They reply, "We'll go at night."

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邮票市场邮票图片邮票邮票市场龙邮票猴年邮票鸡年邮票第三轮生肖邮票欧美群迅雷下载中国邮票价格表苏辰穿越到平行世界,恰逢末日降临!   在所有人都疯狂逃亡时。   他的精神力却在穿越的时候变异了,开局能够操控丧尸。   当别人过着生不如死的逃亡日子,苏辰却活得越发滋润,还有大小美女相伴!   过起了没羞没噪的生活!   不仅如此!苏辰还发现只要不断吞食晶核,精神力就能够操控一切!   物体、重力、星辰、空间、时间...   ···   我叫叶紫萱,是一个重生者!   未来的我觉醒了宇宙4大力量之一磁场掌控,威震八方,人称万磁女王!   可就在我觉醒之时,妹妹却因救我而死!   这一世,我要守护她!   就在我领着她要去最大的基地时,一个叫苏辰的男人出现了,并不怀好意地盯着我们俩。   为了守护妹妹,我只能咬牙挺身而出...以旁观者的视角,鉴证一届朝堂的兴衰起落,记录一代江湖的恩怨情仇… 青苏入世十五载,回首前尘… 醇酒再烈,难咽不过满腔愤恨。 剑刃再锋,伤人不过浮华人心。 且听且看,满一壶浊酒,领略这庙堂与江湖的起伏波澜!《周易》不等同于《易经》。《周易》是产生于西周后期的一部曾借用前人创立的记事序数(商代已经使用)“六十四画符号”(被后人用之和称之的“六十四卦”)为题序而编写出六十四篇短文所组成的为“君子”(周天子血统的诸侯、贵族)们讲述“修身、齐家、治国”的道理书,按现代哲学分类,应属政治哲学书。《周易》是我国乃至世界上最早的一部政治哲学。 赵全,应用化学及治金双料硕士,毕业后学无所用,无房无车无女友,穿越后遂为赵瑔,江西铅山赵家庄里正之子,时逢南宋末年,宋廷上下偏安一隅苟且偷安,赵瑔以所学创业,引领宋人时尚风标,一步跨入富豪行列,计划趁大宋终结前乘船下南洋占个地方做“南阳村长”赵家庄之福引来盗匪垂涎,赵瑔不得不自建民团以自保,前世宅男从无逐鹿天下的雄霸之心,以“草根”为荣,但世事难料,为获取心仪女孩青睐,赵瑔剽窃伟人诗词以“才子”之名不胫而走,高薪聘请工匠得“奢遮小官人”褒誉。锲而不舍想泡美艳无双的白莲教天母,率民团连破白莲教数城。白富美愿以身相许,赵瑔大手笔招揽安置流民,大举开拓宝岛台湾。葛皂山灵宝天尊到场“以客座首席长老”礼待,朝廷封赐忠武节度使”,当赵瑔一步步被罩上光芒四射的主角光环时该何去何从?率领武装到牙齿的龙神军暴们下南洋占地当村长?指挥天下无二的强大帆舰称霸四海殖民东西半球?还是挥师北上笑看火枪对决弓马?龙神之子龙熠被留在下界,面对悲惨的命运,龙熠又该如何面对? 意外的相遇即是缘,来一片只有游戏里见过的仙界!!!!谁对谁错都不重要,只是站队不同罢了。我本路人无力参与奈何明月照我身。。。。四国并起,正邪对立,上古世界虽然过去,但少年武灵已然被其拣选,他将改变人们心中的成见。 谁说出身于平凡的人不能崛起? 谁说身处逆境中的人不能觉醒? 他将诠释武道的作用之大。 他既是护国之手,同时也是使命行者。 究竟是邪恶的冥界先将正义吞灭,还是以他为首的正义重铸天地秩序? 自从1976年开始,长洲温岭国道公路的路段,事故频发,还发生了多次尚可未为人知的神秘事件! 1976年一对夫妻在温岭国道公路的路段,那是给发生了特别严重的9.9重大车祸之后,温岭国道公路的路段,那就开始收割人的生命了。 然后,那就是1979年,温岭小男孩事件,1981年,温岭公路建筑工人事件。1985年温岭公路救护车事件。还有1987年温岭大火灾事件,1990年温岭大卡车事件。 1993年的温岭公路隧道诡异人影事件,1996年温岭公路上吊事件。1998年,温岭跳涯事件,还有2002年温岭公路路段的大连环车祸。 2005年温岭老太婆死亡事件,2009年温岭灵异小轿车事件,2012年的温岭公路红棺材事件,2014年的温岭公路段的大树倒塌砸毁路过巴士事件。 2016年温岭拖拉机事件,2018年温岭小学生失踪事件,2019年,野外业余摄影爱好者拍摄到多组灵异照片事件。 本书那就一起带大家去解密温岭灵异事件吧!五十年后,奥里雷亚诺:“站在你面前的是,共和国的传奇上校,自由党的精神领袖,永不失败的战争之神,奥里雷亚诺!” 尤尼尔:“站在你面前的是,斗鸡兴起人,传奇神话,香蕉之父,弑神者,失眠大师......你最亲爱的叔叔,尤尼尔!” “还不过来挨打!” (纯土著视角,保证没看过《百年孤独》的同学也能放心食用)十三年前,李致在城郊梨花树下捡到一只垂死白狐。 十三年后,他开始被一个漂亮温婉的落难小姐倒追。 月夜之下战幕拉开。 李致翻手间剑光纵横雷霆天落,“我家夫人温柔贤惠娇贵可人,知冷热擅烹食……” 姜璃弹指间邪魔俯首山河崩坏,“我家相公谦谦君子文弱书生,温逊有礼好脾气……” 反派“……”
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